Tuesday, 26 April 2011

How to prevent Irritable Bowel Syndrome by controlling Candida Overgrowth ?

Irritable Bowel Syndrome is a bowel disorder that interferes with normal functioning of colon. It is often characterized by abdominal pain, constipation, bloating and chronic fatigue. Even though it does not lead to chronic illness, it causes much discomfort and pain. The symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome vary from person to person and diagnosis often involves eliminating various other reasonable possibilities. Diarrhea and Celiac disease are often misdiagnosed as Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

People with Irritable Bowel Syndrome have a sensitive colon which is over reactive to certain types of food. Studies have concluded that Irritable Bowel Syndrome affects the normal movement of colon and may also stop its working temporarily. If the muscles of the colon do not contract in the right way, the contents inside it do not move resulting in constipation, cramps and pain.

Even though the exact cause of irritable Bowel Syndrome is not known, some people claim that Irritable Bowel Syndrome is triggered by over growth of Candida. Candida is yeast like fungal parasite inhabiting the digestive tracts. They are the cause for variety of disorders ranging from bad breath to neurological disorders. Candidiasis is a medical diagnosis to find out over growth of Candida.

Candida is normally present in human body and its growth is limited by human immune system and other healthy bacteria present in the colon. Antibiotics and anti-ulcer medication reduces healthy colon bacteria and make room for Candida to flourish by shifting to fungal form with roots, and then it continues to grow vigorously on the intestinal wall. This acts as a passage for undigested food particles and toxins to enter into the blood stream and thus results in adverse condition.

Diet high in sugar and low in fiber promotes growth of Candida. Candida can also interact with mercury used for dental fillings and this in turn can lead to their proliferation. In adverse condition, Candida also starts to produce toxins as their growth increases. Immuno-compromised persons are more vulnerable to Candida attack than people who have strong immune system.

Candidiasis is a diagnosis to find the Candida over growth. As the presence of Candida is ubiquitous, mere blood test is not sufficient to come to a conclusion. Some of the symptoms of Candida over growth include: depression, lethargy, anxiety, and decreased mental energy. Candidiasis treatment includes intake of anti-fungal drugs, consumption of garlic, psyllium husk, olive oil, and walnuts. You can also follow candida diet to get cure of candidasis

The major categories of food which worsen colon’s function include - fatty foods, Milk products, Caffeinated Drinks, Carbonated Drinks and deep fries like French Fries. It is better to often indulge in fruit juice diet, mainly consisting of citrus fruit, which helps to keep colon clean and healthy.


  1. You have wonderfully explained all the thing here. Dietary fat may play a role in aggravating various symptoms of Irritated Bowel Disease. Regular Exercise when combined with a sensible eating plan it is possible to improve an irritable bowel.

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