Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Natural remedies for battling candidiasis

Candidiasis can attack the mouth (gums), armpits and private parts of both men and women. It thrives in moist areas. Different specialists propagate different ways of treating this disease but the best way to combat this disease is by going to the roots, i.e. by strengthening our immune system. A person who is low on certain vitamins or minerals is more prone to attack by the bacteria Candida Albicans – the bacteria which cause Candidiasis than a person who is healthy. Here are some natural candidiasis remedies that you can try at home if you are diagnosed with Candidiasis.

Water: One of the candidiasis natural remedies which is most easily accessible and probably the best solution is water. Water cleanses our system and flush out the toxins from the body. The more you drink, the more toxins and impurities from the body is eliminated. Also it is vital to wash the infected area with plain water as often as you can. Do not use harsh soap or bathing solution, instead try to use soap made only of natural ingredients such as aloe-vera, neem or oregano

Yoghurt: Another effective way to combat candidiasis is to follow the candida diet. Basically the ‘good bacteria’ from yoghurt fights the ‘bad bacteria’ affecting our system. Eat plain yoghurt before or after meal. Yoghurt can be eaten with a bit of sugar as a dessert or eaten with plain rice or mixed with salad. Try rubbing the infected area with yoghurt. Just leave it on for about five minutes and wash it off as leaving it on for prolonged periods may have the adverse effect.

Acupuncture: Some experts recommend acupuncture to treat candidiasis. What it does is that it strengthens the immune system, thus enabling the body to fight the bacteria more effectively. Acupuncture coupled with a specific diet will give better results.

Exercise: Exercising is beneficial for the body as a whole. Besides strengthening the immune system, sweating is a natural way of the body eliminating toxins and wastes from the body. If you living a sedentary lifestyle you’ll find that even the simplest exercise will have a profound impact if you are suffering from a bout of candidiasis. In order for the exercise to prove most beneficial, it is important you supplement it with candida diet.

Natural clothing: Do not use man-made fabric, especially nylon underwear if your privates are infected with candidiasis. Use only natural fabrics like cotton or linen which allow the body to breathe.

Before resorting to prescribed medicines, especially antibiotics, I strongly recommend that you try these natural candidiasis remedies. And if at all you absolutely need medication, go for the ones which contain natural ingredients.

1 comment:

  1. Allergies and hidden foods are cause of irritable bowel syndrome. To stay way food which creates allergies is perfect way to treat IBS. So remove foods like citrus fruits, eggs, nuts, corn, dairy and wheat from your diet chart. Stay way from these foods at least four weeks and continue.
