Friday, 29 April 2011

Healthy Intestine - A Healthy You

Intestine or bowel (comprising the small and the large intestine) serves as a major role in the human body wherein the digested food passes by and the place where exactly the nutrients get absorbed in the body. As such any malfunctioning or disorder of the intestine may lead to massive problems with the human body.'

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) refers to one such disorder which is primarily due to changes in the bowel movements. This involves abdominal pain and cramping. Some problem with the muscles in the intestine, or the intestine being more sensitive to the movement can be some reasons leading to Irritable Bowel Syndrome. But in most of the cases, it occurs after an intestinal infection along with other triggers.

Most often, occurring in the adolescent age or early adulthood, IBS is more common in women. Also the most common intestinal complaint for which patients are referred to a gastroenterologist.

While abdominal pain, gas, and loss of appetite are some of the common symptoms of IBS, the treatment requires lifestyle and dietary changes for the patient. However, in general, no specific diet can be prescribed, changes such as avoiding large meals, chocolates, milk products, alcohol, tea, colas and increased intake of dietary fiber turn out to be beneficial in the treatment.

Another intestinal disorder commonly encountered is 'Gluten intolerance'. This generally happens with a person becoming more sensitive to the Gluten ( a rubbery protein mostly found in cereals that gives dough its ability to be stretched). A reaction in the lining of small intestine happens when a person with Gluten intolerance happens to consume Gluten. This results in tissue destruction and the intestine’s ability to absorb nutrients gets decreased. A variety of nutritional defects, diarrhea, and anemia are quite common among patients suffering from Gluten Intolerance. As far as treatment is concerned, there is no specific treatment for gluten intolerance. The best thing to do is to avoid Gluten rich foods in your diet.

Last but not the least; a physician is the best person to contact for any intestine related problems.

Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Natural remedies for battling candidiasis

Candidiasis can attack the mouth (gums), armpits and private parts of both men and women. It thrives in moist areas. Different specialists propagate different ways of treating this disease but the best way to combat this disease is by going to the roots, i.e. by strengthening our immune system. A person who is low on certain vitamins or minerals is more prone to attack by the bacteria Candida Albicans – the bacteria which cause Candidiasis than a person who is healthy. Here are some natural candidiasis remedies that you can try at home if you are diagnosed with Candidiasis.

Water: One of the candidiasis natural remedies which is most easily accessible and probably the best solution is water. Water cleanses our system and flush out the toxins from the body. The more you drink, the more toxins and impurities from the body is eliminated. Also it is vital to wash the infected area with plain water as often as you can. Do not use harsh soap or bathing solution, instead try to use soap made only of natural ingredients such as aloe-vera, neem or oregano

Yoghurt: Another effective way to combat candidiasis is to follow the candida diet. Basically the ‘good bacteria’ from yoghurt fights the ‘bad bacteria’ affecting our system. Eat plain yoghurt before or after meal. Yoghurt can be eaten with a bit of sugar as a dessert or eaten with plain rice or mixed with salad. Try rubbing the infected area with yoghurt. Just leave it on for about five minutes and wash it off as leaving it on for prolonged periods may have the adverse effect.

Acupuncture: Some experts recommend acupuncture to treat candidiasis. What it does is that it strengthens the immune system, thus enabling the body to fight the bacteria more effectively. Acupuncture coupled with a specific diet will give better results.

Exercise: Exercising is beneficial for the body as a whole. Besides strengthening the immune system, sweating is a natural way of the body eliminating toxins and wastes from the body. If you living a sedentary lifestyle you’ll find that even the simplest exercise will have a profound impact if you are suffering from a bout of candidiasis. In order for the exercise to prove most beneficial, it is important you supplement it with candida diet.

Natural clothing: Do not use man-made fabric, especially nylon underwear if your privates are infected with candidiasis. Use only natural fabrics like cotton or linen which allow the body to breathe.

Before resorting to prescribed medicines, especially antibiotics, I strongly recommend that you try these natural candidiasis remedies. And if at all you absolutely need medication, go for the ones which contain natural ingredients.

Choose the right food to get rid of Candida and Gluten Intolerance

Majority of people suffer from Candida. It is a microorganism that aids us in our digestion process. Candida is present in our gut. Sometimes individuals suffer from excess growth of Candida. Research has pointed out that excess Candida in our body is lifestyle related. Candida kills the useful bacteria in our system and hampers the proper functioning of our intestines.

It is important that we take the help of a good probiotic supplement when our doctor prescribes us candida for common cold or a sore throat. Antibiotic that are used the animals sometimes pass on to our system through animal meat or milk.

Take the help of candida diet foods that will hamper the growth of Candida. Candida diet also helps to boost our immune system and helps the growth of useful bacteria. Green leafy vegetables, raw garlic and protein foods such as beef, chicken, eggs fish are an ideal candida diet. Incorporate lots of nuts and seeds and grains such as millet, rice, rice bran, and oat bran into your candida diet .

Candida grows rapidly in contact with sugary foods so any kind of sweetened or refined food will enable the candida to grow. It is imperative that we stay away from consuming such food that accelerate the growth of candida. If the immune system is strong enough it can combat the harmful effects of Candida. Condiments, packaged food tea, coffee and beverages should be avoided in excess. Candida can also be found in contraceptive devices such as copper IUD.

Many are suffering from gluten intolerance these days. A blood test will help you to determine whether you have the gluten intolerance or wheat allergy symptoms. Joint pain, anemia, infertility or osteoporosis could be one of the many symptoms for gluten intolerance. In some cases gluten intolerance is also marked by symptoms such as gas, bloating and flatulence.

However it is quite possible in some cases that the person has been tested negative for celiac disease. These cases are termed as Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitive, or NCGS.

The most effective way to combat this disease is to go on a strict gluten free diet . Maintain a record of the symptoms that you encounter when you are on gluten free diet. Gluten is present in all cereals baring rice and corn. Gluten is also present in all wheat based items. It is also present in flours, ice-cream and processed meats too. So it is the best to avoid foods that has any traces of gluten. Prepare foods at home with a cereal that does not contain gluten. Avoid outside food as it might have hidden cereals in them which might contain gluten.

Tuesday, 26 April 2011

How to prevent Irritable Bowel Syndrome by controlling Candida Overgrowth ?

Irritable Bowel Syndrome is a bowel disorder that interferes with normal functioning of colon. It is often characterized by abdominal pain, constipation, bloating and chronic fatigue. Even though it does not lead to chronic illness, it causes much discomfort and pain. The symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome vary from person to person and diagnosis often involves eliminating various other reasonable possibilities. Diarrhea and Celiac disease are often misdiagnosed as Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

People with Irritable Bowel Syndrome have a sensitive colon which is over reactive to certain types of food. Studies have concluded that Irritable Bowel Syndrome affects the normal movement of colon and may also stop its working temporarily. If the muscles of the colon do not contract in the right way, the contents inside it do not move resulting in constipation, cramps and pain.

Even though the exact cause of irritable Bowel Syndrome is not known, some people claim that Irritable Bowel Syndrome is triggered by over growth of Candida. Candida is yeast like fungal parasite inhabiting the digestive tracts. They are the cause for variety of disorders ranging from bad breath to neurological disorders. Candidiasis is a medical diagnosis to find out over growth of Candida.

Candida is normally present in human body and its growth is limited by human immune system and other healthy bacteria present in the colon. Antibiotics and anti-ulcer medication reduces healthy colon bacteria and make room for Candida to flourish by shifting to fungal form with roots, and then it continues to grow vigorously on the intestinal wall. This acts as a passage for undigested food particles and toxins to enter into the blood stream and thus results in adverse condition.

Diet high in sugar and low in fiber promotes growth of Candida. Candida can also interact with mercury used for dental fillings and this in turn can lead to their proliferation. In adverse condition, Candida also starts to produce toxins as their growth increases. Immuno-compromised persons are more vulnerable to Candida attack than people who have strong immune system.

Candidiasis is a diagnosis to find the Candida over growth. As the presence of Candida is ubiquitous, mere blood test is not sufficient to come to a conclusion. Some of the symptoms of Candida over growth include: depression, lethargy, anxiety, and decreased mental energy. Candidiasis treatment includes intake of anti-fungal drugs, consumption of garlic, psyllium husk, olive oil, and walnuts. You can also follow candida diet to get cure of candidasis

The major categories of food which worsen colon’s function include - fatty foods, Milk products, Caffeinated Drinks, Carbonated Drinks and deep fries like French Fries. It is better to often indulge in fruit juice diet, mainly consisting of citrus fruit, which helps to keep colon clean and healthy.

Candida diet to get complete rid of the infection

Candidiasis is a name of a serious yeast infection, which normally occurs in the mouth, intestine, G.I tracts, throats and even around penis, vagina etc. This infection is caused by the multiplicity of a microorganism in the stomach called “Candida Albicans”. However, the plus point of the Candida is that it improves the digestive process profoundly and if proper Candida diet is followed on a regular basis, the patient can get full relieve from this deadly infection.

A diabetic Candida diet is fundamentally inclusive of very less sugar, which means that particular sweetened edible items like cookies, cake, candies, sodas, and ice creams should be consumed in very less amount and with precautions. The same precaution should be followed while taking artificial sugar items like saccharine or aspartame or stevia extract. The quintessence is that consuming the sweetened items regularly will help the Candida albicans to proliferate and that will cause the infection to become more severe. If the patient follows a sugar-free diet for a three consecutive days, it is very possible that the infection will vanish completely in the time to come.

To ensure an ideal Candida diet, the food items enriched with starch like white pasta, cakes bread, and white rice must also be checked and instead the whole grains should be included. Otherwise, chances are very much for Candida Albicans to proliferate.

Under the ongoing candidiasis natural remedies, the inclusion of all edible vegetable oils will work effectively in curing the infection. You can also include omega-3 oils, cod liver oils like tuna, mackerel, salmon, sardine as well as flaxseed oils, borage, and primrose oils in the special diet. However, be sure to take only one tablespoon of these oils every day. Some specific types of oils as commonly found in some food items like salads, canola, avocado, nut and olive oils could also work wonders.

It would be a blunder if you take any antibiotic without the prescription of a doctor, after all, some or many of these medications can cause serious side effects including the proliferation of these microorganisms in the intestine.If you want to have a speedy recovery from the Candida infection, it is worthwhile to include yogurt in your diet, which you can take at least two to three servings every day. To be precise, there is a specific content called “acidophilus”, which is a powerful and proven ingredient for treating the infection.

All the aforesaid Candidiasis natural remedies are proven to show effective results in curing the infective disease. However, before you start following them, make sure you consult your physician firstly to get more improved results

Saturday, 23 April 2011

Candida Infection and Its Remedy

The human body is prone to many diseases, the most prevalent of which are communicable and are caused by the millions of microorganisms present around us. Thee microorganisms need a medium for their growth, and when they infect us they are actually growing on us for attaining nutrition for themselves. But, this act is harmful for us because their growth and metabolism releases certain substances which are toxic for us and can be potentially fatal as well. Hence, it is absolutely imperative that a person when diagnosed with any form of infection should go to a doctor and get it treated before things get ugly.

However, there are certain microorganisms, such as Candida albicans which are present in our body in a symbiotic form. This means that their presence benefits us in some way and in return they obtain refuse and nutrition from us. Candida is present in our digestive system and it helps in the metabolism of complex food material, through which they also gain energy and provide us with energy as well. However, in cases where the person’s immunity is compromised, the growth of this fungus goes out of control and can lead to many problems. Candidiasis is one of the most common and harmful fungal infections in humans, in which there is superficial growth of Candida on the mucous linings of the digestive system.

Like all the other bacterial and fungal infections, candidiasis is also required to be treated immediately because of its fast and high growth rate. There are many treatment forms available these days, but candidiasis natural remedies have been found to be most effective. These candidiasis natural remedies involve the use of herbal extracts or regular home available items for the eradication of fungal colonies in the body and bring them down to a normal level. In any case, the application of candidiasis natural remedies should be first consulted with a doctor because it is not good if the candida population goes below natural level.

There are also many cases where the person faces shortage of candida population, which affects his well-being. In such a case, a good candida diet is advised to the patient. The candida diet is now available in the form of probiotic foods also, which are completely natural and healthy for the individual. But just like the remedies for candida infection, even the intake of candida diet should be consulted with the doctor because an excessive diet can again lead to infection in the body.

Wednesday, 20 April 2011

Bad gut feeling, Irritable bowel syndrome!

Irritation in the bowels has become a common complaint in the clinics nowadays. With increasing number of victims, currently one out of every six US citizens show positive results of the Irritable bowel syndrome commonly called IBS. Although the exact reason unknown so far, IBS is usually found amongst those who have recently suffered intestinal infections. In such cases, IBS is called 'post-infectious IBS'. IBS is often confused with IBD or Inflammatory Bowel Disease, which occurs during ulcerative colitis.

Some note-worthy facts about IBS

  • IBS is a disorder and not a disease. It does not result into serious infection or disease.
  • IBS is an uncontrolled spasm of visceral muscles and has nothing to do with intestinal cancer.
  • IBS results into irresistible intestinal convulsions that reduce a person's work efficiency and traveling capacity.
  • IBS is not infectious, the patient acquires it by himself.
  • Dietary fibers that are considered effective to IBS, can actually worsen the case in some patients.
  • There is no absolute IBS treatment, although certain changes in lifestyle can make a difference.
  • Lack of sleep, Irregular eating habits, over eating and intestine sensitive compounds like caffeine are considered to enhance the IBS symptoms. 
  • Unhealthy eating habits can also leads to gluten intolerance.
  • IBS treatment involves drugs used to cure constipation, diarrhea, intestinal pain and intestinal convulsion suppressors.
  • Herbal medicines like Chinese herbal tea, peppermint oil and grapefruit extracts are considered effective in IBS treatment but they are not always effective.
  • Symptoms include Gastro-intestinal pain, abdominal pain, genitourinary disorders, headache, backache and depression.
  • Stress and tension can increase the impact of IBS.
  • IBS is not a genetic disorder.

There are no exact analytical tools to detect IBS, but elimination of other related disorders can confirm IBS.

Natural remedies to cure heartburn and candidiasis

Heartburn occurs due to excessive gas or increase in pressure in your body. Considerable number of people suffers from heartburn, but if the problem is persistent then you should not ignore it. Heartburn if left unnoticed can grow into a large problem; it can even damage your esophagus. There are advanced medical treatment for severe heartburn, but if you are in the initial stage then you can reduce it by controlling your diet. Natural heartburn cures are both effective and safe.

Natural heartburn cures are hidden in certain type of foods, beverages and juices. There are certain teas like ginger, fennel, chamomile etc, which are good for your heart and health. Then you can drink juices of Aloe Vera, cabbage, celery etc are also good cures for heartburn. In case of foods, have as much fruits and vegetables as possible, they work wonders for your health and helps to prevent any kind of heartburn. The best part of the Natural Heartburn cure is that they are completely free from any chemicals, which also reduces the chances of any kind of harmful side effects.

Candidiasis is mainly caused due to the fungus Candida albicans. Whenever the balance between the good and bad bacteria is hampered in the body, infections occur. Candida albicans is a fungus, which lives in the body, but when it grows in large numbers, it affects the body adversely. Mouth thrush and vaginal yeast infections are the most common type of Candidiasis. To get complete relief you must go for the candidiasis natural remedies .

Garlic is the best natural ingredient to cure Candidiasis. It is a natural anti fungal element, which helps to kill the harmful fungus causing the infections. It also reduces the inflations in stomach and intestines caused by Candidiasis, without harming the good bacteria in the body. If you have Candidiasis in mouth or vaginal area then smash some garlic cloves, make a paste and apply in the effected area.

Honey is the next element in the Candidiasis Natural cure. Apply honey in the effected areas to cure Candidiasis. One can cure it at home by following a candida diet which tells you what to eat and what not to eat in order to get rid of the disease.
Cider Vinegar can work wonders in Candidiasis Natural cure. Apply it in the effected areas after diluting it in warm water.

Organic Yogurt is good for treating yeast infections. It helps to restore the balance between the bad and good bacteria in the body, thereby reducing the infections. You can apply yogurt to the affected areas two or three times a day. Therefore, use these natural tips and get rid of irritating fungal infections.

Monday, 18 April 2011

Way to health passes through fit stomach

It is said, what you eat is what you are. Obviously, our nature and body type depends on what we consume. So it becomes imperative to observe and check what we consume. Eating light to stay fit is the mantra for keeping the ailments and related stress at bay. We all know that life today is very much stressful and hectic, so adding more stress onto stomach to work harder in digesting heavy food makes definitely no sense. Sometime improper diet also leads to gluten intolerance. So it is better to leave our most hard working station: stomach little stress-free by eating balanced and nutritious food. This will at least have a positive effect on our system; in turn we can pay more attention on more productive things in life. Practicing healthy habits like eating fresh and healthy food, exercising daily, practice mind controlling and cooling methods like breathing exercises and meditation will surely yield a healthy life style, which will be more creative and productive.

But most of us do not follow these principles. Almost all of us follow a routine which is not healthy like eating more processed food, we also consume more calories than we could burn which results into accumulation of those calories turning into fat cells, follow unhealthy habits like eating while watching television, untimely eating and so on. All these factors lead to unhealthy us; our body becomes source of many diseases and ailments starting from stomach. Irritable bowel is one of them. It is a state of abdominal bloating and gassiness, cramping or pain, and altered bowel habit which translate into no regular or clear motions. Irritable bowel syndrome can also be labeled as spastic colon or functional bowel disease. One needs to accustom our body to various things and this tuning can be done with regular practice. This ailment is not inherited instead a person’s habits lead to this state. So following some healthy irritable bowel syndrome remedies at home can offer relief from it. One can consume more water daily to ease up motion. Eating sufficient raw veggies and fruits in regular interval can add much required fiber for digestion through it.

If this gets more serious then consulting physician is the best solution. Medical practitioners are in the best position to offer ibs treatment to their patients by giving supplements and preparing a diet chart for them. Having a healthy body is like winning half of the battle.

Right food for right living

We had a great party at our friend to celebrate his promotion. We never knew how late it was to have dinner; all the friends were catching up with each other after a long time. It also took me late to sleep, the next morning I got up with uneasy feeling in stomach, chest and was greeted with a sour taste in mouth. Immediately I knew it was acidity. Cold milk is the best and immediate remedy for this. After gulping down a glass of cold milk there was little relief. Later I chew few mint leaves, the extract of which is supposed to work against acidic conditions. This relieved me to great extent. Before heading for office I visited my doctor and consulted him. He was happy with the quick fixes I had used and also recommended other natural heartburn cures like following regular diet habits, eating more raw veggies and fruits. The fibers in those vegetables and fruit help in digestion. And also you can try candida diet supplements if you are suffering from extreme digestive disorder.Another thing he recommended is that not to keep the stomach empty for long, one should consume small meals at regular intervals for this he explained the entire process due to which all this trouble start.

Stomach is the process station of food stuff and other edibles consumed during the day. We consume many types of foods and drinks. There are various acids which are secreted for this process. Secretion of these acids is a continual process. Even when we are not eating the acids are secreted into the stomachs which remain there for longer and the level of acid gets higher. When we consume something it is pushed into stomach through esophagus. When the esophagus does not perform its function properly, then some of the acid gets escaped into exterior, which then causes heartburn or sour taste into the mouth. Similarly our body is a home for many good and bad elements like bacteria, fungus, yeast etc. they are supposed to live in a harmonious state following a ratio. It may happen due to some factors this ratio gets changed and it is followed by various problems. Like unmeasured increase in the yeast may lead to candidiasis. Candidiasis natural remedies consists of consuming more vegetables, hi- fiber food and eating less of processed food, sugar to keep check on growth of yeast. What we eat is what we are should be kept in mind for healthy living.

Wednesday, 13 April 2011

How to recover from Irritable bowel syndrome ?

Irritable bowel syndrome is characterized by a great discomfort in the intestine with abdominal cramping, diarrhea, bloating and pain over the area. About 20% of world population is suffering from IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome). Although this does not leads to serious consequences like cancer, it may disable some people from attending social events, or traveling short distances and going to work. Therefore, this has to be treated with diet, exercise and proper medications.

First, healthy diet can help to recover from irritable bowel syndrome. Nowadays, people depend mostly on fast and microwave foods. The epithelium of the colon in the intestine responds to the regular intake of the food. If there is a change in the quality of the food such as the amount of spices or any preservative may impair the colon there by leading to irritable bowel syndrome. Since, both of them in the family has to work hard to manage their needs of the family, they do not have time to cook fresh food and eat. However, fast food restaurants are growing up in the world market; the food is unhealthy and serves as a source of various diseases. Bacterial infection in the intestinal tract is also a causative of IBS. By cooking fresh food rich in proteins, carbohydrates and avoiding frozen, canned food, we can prevent IBS.

Second, exercise can also help to prevent IBS. Especially stress management therapy should be carried out. People are in great stress and feeling difficult to manage both family and work. Stress affects their health and day to day activities. Because of stress, there is an increased secretion of gastrointestinal fluid which is a source of IBS. Stress can be managed by certain therapies, counseling and support, doing yoga and regular walking with good sleep. Yoga which has the breathing and stretching exercises help us to relieve stress. By doing yoga we can relax our mind and body which helps us to reduce the stress level. Therefore, IBS treatment include yoga and exercise which plays a role in managing the stress.

Third, proper medications also help in treating IBS. The fiber supplements or laxatives to relieve constipation associated with IBS and an antispasmodic to control muscle spasms of the colon. Anti diarrheal like Lomotil can be prescribed to control the diarrhea. Though there are many medications, proper treatment has to be done with the help of doctor’s instructions with necessary counseling and support.

In conclusion, irritable bowel syndrome can be treated by food, exercise and proper medications. Eating healthy food and doing regular exercise like yoga with doctor prescribed medications will prevent irritable bowel syndrome.

Dealing with Irritable bowel syndrome

Have you been experiencing severe abdominal pain, cramping, constipation or diarrhea for a period of time? Chances are that you might be suffering from Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). Irritable Bowel Syndrome is a disease which is more common than one might think. It causes great discomfort and disrupts our daily lives to a great extend. However, the good news is that irritable bowel syndrome is not contagious. It can be cured or controlled though healthy eating and lifestyle. It is not genetic or cancerous.

If you suspect that you might be a victim of Irritable Bowel Syndrome, it is advisable to seek the doctor’s advice immediately. The doctor may order a few tests to be run to rule out or determine whether you actually have IBS. There is no standard cure for IBS. The causes for IBS have more to do with your diet and lifestyle. Hence the doctor may suggest a change in your diet or lifestyle. It is found that people suffering from anxiety or leading high-paced lives are more prone to this problem. It is found that IBS is present more in women than in men. The good news is that even in those people who have been suffering from IBS for a long stretch of time, no serious diseases have been found to be linked with IBS.

Remedies for IBS:

Reduce Stress: Research shows that stress is a major contributing factor to IBS. If you lead a hectic life having little time for yourself, you’d do well to try yoga or some calming exercises a try

Acupuncture and acupressure: Even though there are some skeptics who doubt these treatments, there are more than enough stories to prove that acupuncture and acupressure have indeed worked in some illnesses, which includes IBS

Antidepressants: Some experts have even suggested taking anti-depressants as a IBS treatment

Over-the-counter drugs: Some people take OTC drugs as an immediate remedy.

Eat healthy foods: Food has been found to be one of the main culprits of IBS. Make sure you eat only home cooked foods or at least from places where you are sure that the preparation is hygienic. Avoid spicy and greasy meals at all cost. Stay away from gassy foods like cabbage. Too much protein may not be good either

Exercise: In general, exercise not only is physically beneficial but a mood lifter. Also exercise will greatly help if you are suffering from constipation or gas. Moreover regular exercise beats stress and anxiety.

Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Is Your IBS and Candida Restricting you?

In search of several vegan recipes for Irritable bowel that may not involve gas-producing beans? The subsequent meal plans, try this recipe an Introduction to Low - fat Cooking,which have been designated for irritable bowel syndrome-friendly foods and preparation, and you don't have to be a vegetarian to enjoy them. These types of meal plans ought to prove to be relatively simple on your own digestive system due to the low fat content and also the indisputable fact that the entire green vegetables are well-cooked. Understand that its always a good idea to try new food products in smaller parts and though moments when your life stress level is low.

This dish is also for the people who are looking for a special Candida diet.
You can always try this lasagna dish which has no pasta, and the slices of eggplant replaces the noodles here. A baked, nutritious and healthy dish with low sodium marinara sauce, spinach, fat free ricotta cheese, enjoy it with a green salad on side.


  1. 1/3 cup freshly grated parmesan cheese
  2. 6-ounce baby spinach
  3. 1 jar low-sodium marinara sauce
  4. large or 2 medium eggplants—about 1 pound
  5. 15-ounce tub fat-free ricotta cheese, drained


First of all you will need to preheat the oven to 450 degrees, cut the eggplants of approx length ¼ inch of thickness. Coat a large baking dish with aluminum foil and apply a little bit of oil to it. Roast the eggplants till the become little tender, say for about 20 minutes, keep checking and turning once half way through.
When the eggplants are baked remove them and turn the oven to 350 degrees.
Now take the baby spinach, place it in a microwaveable dish and sprinkle some water on it. Cook it till its just wilted then squeeze dry them. Now take the marinara sauce and spread it on the bottom of the 8 by 8 inch baking dish. Lay 1/3rd of the eggplant slices over the sauce, repeat the same procedure with spinach and ricotta cheese. Repeat layers, finally sprinkle some parmesan cheese and bake it for about 20to 25 minutes until the sauce and cheese starts bubbling.

This dish serves four people and per serving value is as follows:

Fiber 4.9g, Protein 19.5g, Calories 306, Total Fat 3.2 (sat 1.6g), Sodium 693mg, Calories from Fat 29, Carbohydrate 49.7g, Cholesterol 73mg.

Monday, 11 April 2011

Remedy the Constipation Right Away

Our diet is one of the most important things in life that we have to take care about no matter what. It is through the diet and the type of food we eat, that our health is maintained. Every part of our body and every constituting cell in it derives it energy and nutrition from food. So, it is our duty to ensure that we eat healthy food and no indulge in junk food. However, many people are regularly consuming junk food these days and not taking care of the daily requirement of nutrients. As a result, the digestive system is not able to digest the food properly and many problems arise because of that. Constipation is one of such problems, which can make a person really uncomfortable and completely disrupt the daily lifestyle. Improper diet may result into gluten intolerance. Hence, it is necessary that the individual facing these problems take immediate remedial actions.

One of the most common constipation remedies is to have a fibre rich diet, which is usually available from green leafy vegetables and fruits. Also, there are many other ways to ensure that our digestion is in good condition. The consumption of probiotic food items is also one of the popular constipation remedies these days. It may be hard to believe, but our body does have some type of microorganisms that help us in leading a normal healthy life. Their metabolism inside our system, especially those related to the digestive system, helps us in the absorption of some special type of nutrients. Candida albicans is one such microbe which is important for our body, and it is necessary to have a normal level of its population in our system. Constipation remedies also include a candida diet in case its population is not normal in the digestive system.

As mentioned earlier, candida diet is a type of probiotic supplement, which is prepared as per the specifications of the World Health Organization and the Food and Agriculture Association. They are extremely safe and can be taken to improve the flora condition of the stomach. A candida diet, however, should be taken after proper consultation with a physician or a dietician. It is important to do so because excess of candida population in the body can also lead to an infection and many other related problems.

So, a candida diet, if taken in normal amounts as per the directions of the doctor, can be one of the best constipation remedies available in the market.

Sunday, 10 April 2011

Effective Irritable Bowel Syndrome Remedies

The digestive system in humans can be considered to be quite vulnerable to many different types of disorders and infections. This is primarily because it is regularly exposed to food materials being ingested for nutrition, which may have certain chemical or biological factors that are capable of disrupting the equilibrium of the system. While chemical factors have a temporary and mild effect on it, the biological factors of micro organisms can cause a lot of damage to the stomach and intestines. Besides, there are many other syndromes related to the digestive system which can be initiated by one or many factors. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is one such disorder, which is known to cause much discomfort to the patients. The characteristics of the syndrome include severe stomach pain, gas formation, and irregular bowel movements. It can be caused initially by an infection, which may persist for a long time or because of some mishap related to the patient.

Although there is no one sure shot IBS treatment, there are a few methods which can bring comfort to the patient. One of the most commonly used irritable bowel syndrome remedies is the medication available in the market. These medicines have been quite effective as an IBS treatment, even in those cases where the syndrome has been prevalent for a long period of time. This is noteworthy because in many cases the patients do not realize that they are suffering from irritable bowel syndrome, and they mistake it for regular muscular cramps and pain. Besides medicines, other major Irritable bowel syndrome remedies are interventions by psychologists and special set of exercises.

IBS treatment through psychological interventions is also effective in cases where the digestive discomforts are linked to mental instability or lifestyle related stress. As the doctor is able to get to the root cause of the tension being faced by the patient, he can help him relieve his anxieties, which will then eventually lead to improvements in the syndrome. On the other hand, exercises are a great way to strengthen the stomach and lower abdominal muscles, and are a good form of IBS treatment . Not only will it help in improving digestive capabilities, it will also help in bringing the bowel movements to a regular condition.

Hence, there are many feasible irritable bowel syndrome remedies, which have no side effects on the patient’s body and have a long lasting relieving impact also.

Thursday, 7 April 2011

Naturally shun: Heartburn & Candidiasis

Heartburn and candidiasis are two upcoming issues in the field of personal health and its disorders lets have a close look at them individually

What is Heartburn?

No, we are not talking about the break-ups and love-affairs here. We are taking about a gastro-intestinal disorder that is rapidly spreading, owing to our unawareness and ignorance towards it.

It is a burning sensation in the chest region, often accompanied by an acidic burp after heavy meals and during sleeping. This happens because of the reflux of the acidic gastric juices from the stomach towards our mouth. This highly acidic fluid gives us a burning sensation in the esophageal region. The disease resulting from this gastric reflux is called Gastro-Esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD). However studies have shown that it can also be resulting from Ischemic Heart Disease because of common nerve supply between the esophagus and heart. Heartburn is also known by names like Dyspepsia and Gastritis. But, heartburn comprises of acid over secretion (gastritis) and acute burning sensation in chest region (epi-gastric pain).

What is Candidiasis?

Candidiasis is a fungal infection resulting from a species of yeast called 'Candida' out of which, Candida albicans is the most common. Candidiasis is also known by the names Candidosis, Moniliasis, Oidiomycosis and most commonly as yeast infection. Candidiasis infections can be variedly ranging from superficial infection like oral thrush and vaginitis to life threatening diseases like Candidemia. Out of control growth of yeast cells eventually results into inflammation. Superficial infections in moist and warm parts of the body are common all around the world. They usually affect moist mucosal regions like oral cavity(thrush), the pharynx or esophagus, the gastrointestinal tract, the urinary bladder, or the genitalia (vagina and penis).

How to cure Heartburn naturally?

Heartburn has several methods to temporary relief and cure like, H2 receptor antagonists and proton pump inhibitors but they are not permanent and have several side effects. There are natural heartburn cures which are quite effective. They are several herbal tea recipes like peppermint tea, chamomile tea and parsley tea that effective in fighting heartburn. Other lifestyle heartburn cures include sleeping towards left side and drinking excess water with food and after food. Almonds, raisins, cinnamon and parsley are considered effective in curing heartburn naturally.

How to cure Candidiasis naturally?

Usually, anti-mycotic drugs like topical clotrimazole, topical nystatin, fluconazole, and topical ketoconazole are used, but there are several natural cures for candidiasis. To restore the natural balance of good and bad bacteria in the body and also to stop yeast infection you need an effective Candidiasis natural cure . Having casein free and low cholesterol diet is considered effective in curing candidiasis. Pro-biotic drinks of bacteria like Lactobacillus sporogenes are effective in curing the candidiasis infection from the very roots.

Best way to treat irritable bowel syndrome

Irritable bowl syndrome is the chronic intestinal functional disorder which occurs due to the slower or faster contraction of muscles in the intestines which results in the creation of pain in the abdomen and the excessive secretion of gas in the intestine which can also cause diarrhea and constipation. It causes pain and affects the over all quality of a person's daily life. Recent studies have revealed the fact that intolerance to gluten as well as wheat allergy causes to worsen the symptoms of IBS

irritable bowel syndrome remedies enables one to get rid of this disease naturally. Pepper mint oil is a common natural product and when taken in the form of capsules the pepper mint paves way for the soothing effect in the digestive tract of the IBS infected person. Pepper mint candies and pepper mint leaves,pepper mint tea have been proven to show immediate effects on a person's general performance of digestion. Pepper mint cannot be considered as an ingredient which can curb IBS completely but it can to an extent stop the pain caused in the abdomen by the IBS.

IBS treatment can be clinically proven effective only when radical changes are being made in the life style and general habits with reduction of factors and situations which cause stress in a person's mind. The diet of every person plays a major role in the function-ability of the person''s bowel systems. In case a person is affected by IBS then it is vital that the person stops the intake of diary or milk products because it could worsen the condition of IBS

Vegetables that produce gas like cabbage,cauliflower,broccoli,beans should be avoided and plenty of fiber should be included in the everyday diet. Chocolates,coffee,carbonated drinks,alcoholic beverages should be completely avoided. Self -hypnosis can be done as it enables one to decreases well as remove the stress thoughts from the mind.

Probiotics play a major role amongst the other irritable bowl syndrome remedies. It helps the intestine to remove the bad bacteria and soothe the intestinal walls which is the major issue for pain in abdomen. It helps the performance of the intestines and aids in the good performance of the digestive tract.

The intake of medicines and the proper dietary pattern is the
IBS treatment which is given by any physician. However the regular usage of natural food products and the complete avoidance of chemically processed unhealthy food stuff is the only way by which one can prevent re lapse of IBS

Wednesday, 6 April 2011

What would you do for Natural Heartburn Cure ?

Though heartburn is a common problem and lots of people suffer from it you should not ignore it particularly if you suffer from persistent heartburn. Another name for heartburn is acid reflux and if this condition is left untreated it can damage your esophagus. You have got to seek treatment or at least a remedy for it. A lot of people who have been suffering from heartburn have found relief by controlling their diet. There are natural heartburn cures which are quite effective. Actually it is certain foods and beverages which trigger heartburn. You can call it a disease which affects a lot of people. A simple heartburn is okay and almost everyone gets one sometimes which eventually goes away after sometime. However if you suffer from heartburn on a regular basis it is then a matter of concern. Medically when a person suffers from persistent heartburn he or she is said to be suffering from acid reflux.

Natural heartburn cures are actually available in the form of foods, juices and beverages. However the effectiveness cannot be generalized and are hence individual specific. Some of these may be effective for you while some may not be effective but the good thing is that these have no side effects unlike medications. So to prevent and treat heartburn you can try out certain teas (chamomile, ginger, fennel etc), juices (Aloe Vera, cabbage, celery etc) and foods (fresh fruits and vegetables). Moreover you have to eliminate certain foods and beverages from your diet because these are known to trigger heartburn and at the same time follow proper eating guidelines.

Another common problem that people suffer from is candidiasis. This condition happens when yeast or bad bacteria multiplies in the body. Even in this case candidiasis natural cure is the most preferred and suitable option to get relief from this condition.

A fungus called Candida albicans resides in the body and when this fungus multiplies it leads to candidiasis infection. To restore the natural balance of good and bad bacteria in the body and also to stop yeast infection you need an effective
candidiasis natural cure.
Apart from consulting with your doctor you can also look for natural cure because there are many natural options to treat candidiasis. Garlic is very effective to cure this infection because of its natural anti-fungal properties. You can also use organic yoghurt which helps in restoring the natural balance of good and bad bacteria. Even apple cider vinegar is known to be very effective to check the growth of Candida albicans.

What are the remedies for irritable bowel syndrome ?

When you seek irritable bowel syndrome or ibs treatment you should be aware that the effectiveness of the treatment depends on your present bowel condition. If you have diarrhea at the time of treatment then you will be advised a treatment that focuses on diarrhea. Similarly if you have constipation the treatment will focus on that. This is true in all types of irritable bowel syndrome remedies that you seek. You are said to be suffering from irritable bowel syndrome if you experience frequent abdominal pain prior to bowel movement. If you notice that your stool has changed in appearance or that the frequency of your bowel movement has also changed you can be sure that you are suffering from ibs.

Usually people with loose and frequent stool are diagnosed to be suffering from ibs with diarrhea. On the other hand people diagnosed with ibs constipation are the ones with hard and less frequent stool. However the peculiar thing is that patient diagnosed with diarrhea report of suffering from constipation after several months or weeks and vice versa. Therefore it becomes complicated to recommend irritable bowel syndrome remedies. So for long term and effective IBS treatment you have got to make dietary changes and also take up a treatment plan that provides permanent relief.

Normally laxatives are recommended for people suffering from frequent constipation. However this is not a permanent solution to the problem. There is also the possibility of getting diarrhea because of taking laxatives. Moreover prolonged use of laxatives can make you immune to its effects. As an herbal remedy for constipation you can take Aloe. However although aloe gives you relief from constipation it is not recommended for people who suffer from diarrhea as it may worsen it.

Slippery elm is known to work effectively for irritable bowel syndrome. It has been traditionally used to treat constipation as well as diarrhea. Though there are effective medications to treat diarrhea these do not provide relief to symptoms like abdominal pain, bloating etc. Therefore nowadays herbal remedies derived from herbs and plants are becoming popular since these claims to give relief to all the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome. However these remedies provide only temporary relief. You need to change your diet and lifestyle if you want to get complete relief from this nagging problem. A complete treatment plan includes both these factors.

Monday, 4 April 2011

Curing candidiasis

Don’t think that your body is clean place—it is, in fact, filled with bacteria. But these are generally good bacteria which work for the body and control the other bacteria and antigens that coexist with them. One such bacterium which needs to be controlled is the Candida Albicans. It is basically a type of yeast which sometimes grows out of control given the right conditions. At such point of time one requires candidiasis natural cure treatment so as to restore the balance between the good and the harmful bacteria.

The growth of candida is basically supported by the intake of steroids, pregnancy, antibiotics, birth control pills, immunity suppressing drugs and carbohydrate rich food products. This may lead to candidiasis. The situation aggravates when there is an excess of yeast in the food one eats. Once candida becomes chronic, it must be treated—it is not easy but it must be done. If candidiasis is not treated timely, it will cause all forms of disorders and will affect different parts of the body. Candida is usually found in the intestines, genitals, mouth and throat. An overgrowth maybe easily be detected with the help of certain.You are said to be suffering from irritable bowel syndrome if you experience frequent abdominal pain prior to bowel movement. symptoms.

Candidiasis natural cure consists of an overhaul of the normal diet plan in addition to using herbs for treatment. It involves eliminating yeast and dairy products from the diet and so on. The remedy is slated to last a minimum of 11-12 weeks depending on how serious the problem is. Physicians also prescribe anti fungal medications which can be ingested or applied topically. But, candida is known to resist medications, so a change in diet is your best bet.

For candidiasis natural cure, and even natural heartburn cures , a vegetarian diet is highly recommended. The diet that is undertaken should be free of gluten and zero yeast. The diet should also exclude fermented food products and beverages—wine, beer, vinegar, sugar, sauce, pickles, canned foods etc. You must also avoid tomato and other acidic foods as candida thrives in such environments. Mushrooms are fungi so they must be avoided as well. Nuts can be consumed only if they are cracked open from their shells. Chicken and other meats are ok. When it comes to beverages, alcohol and fruit juices are to be steered clear of, oranges and lemons are an absolute no-no. Food allergies can also be attributed to candidiasis.

Friday, 1 April 2011

Natural Remedies at Fingertips

Since our lives are full of so many odd and even jobs plus in addition to that there is also a super busy lifestyle and due to this reason things will be so hectic and we never realize what is happening to our bodies in this battle with life. Due to uneven food and other irregular habits we tend to unknowingly or knowingly damage our bodies and this is the time where we should realize that things if not taken care of at the initial stage then it will lead to very severe health problems and some can be so severe that it can also damage your body and in some cases take away your life away from you. So here are few of them discussed below and measures treat them. when there is a burning sensation in the heart or the chest then it is known as heart burn and this is due to presence of acid in the body therefore it order to get rid of this situation you have to neutralize the body acid and you can easily do that with the help of following tips. But the best way is to avoid eating those things which cause you such irritations in the heart or chest or throat. Here are a few natural remedies.

Firstly you can go for celery which will relax your muscle and also help in digestion, what more, celery is also a very good sedative and helps improve your appetite to.

Well the second recommendation would be fennel seeds. As they are easy to find in any of the grocery store plus if you don’t want to consume them directly then just make a tea from them and have it. It is also a great abdomen pain reliever and from burning pain.

Ginger also helps a lot in solving the digestion problems and when you have consumed heavy food then ginger will help you get rid of indigestion feeling at the end of it.

Peppermint is also known to be a great acidity relaxer or pain reliever and you can chew the leaves or add them to the fennel tea which is a good and very effective remedy too. Do not purchase the peppermint oil with minty flavor as they may not be effective.

So these were some natural heartburn cures and such cures like candidiasis natural cure, constipation cure are also available.

Irritable bowel syndrome remedies

Irritable bowel Syndrome or IBS is a common bowel movement problem, which occurs due to the malfunctioning of the digestive system. It falls under the category of chronic gastrointestinal disorder whose cause is still unknown. However, there are certain symptoms like pain in the stomach, cramping, gas, change in the normal bowel habits and bloating as well. If the problem is persistent and gets serious then you may also find blood in stool or urine, there can be vomiting sensation, abdominal pain, diarrhea, weight loss or even fever. IBS can be very irritating and can disrupt your normal day-to-day life. Therefore, if you want to get rid of Irritable bowel Syndrome, then follow this Irritable bowel Syndrome Remedies.

You can formulate effective irritable bowel syndrome Remedies at your home just by changing your food habit a bit. It is advisable to stop consuming dairy products to assess whether the symptoms are for IBS or you have lactose intolerance. If you are suffering from IBS then dairy products can pose greater problems to your health. It will be better if you stay away from coffee, chocolates, carbonated drinks, soda and alcohol. Gas producing foods like, cauliflower, cabbage, broccoli, beans and other legumes should also be avoided, as they worsen your condition and bloating. Adding many fibrous foods in your diet through vegetables and fruits is a vital step in the IBS Treatment process, which reduces spasms in the colon.

Managing stress is another aspect of the IBS treatment process. Sometimes, people come under stress due to their suffering with IBS. Reducing and managing stress is very important to keep your mental status. To keep your cool and be balanced you can take the help of hypnotherapy to elevate yourself from the symptoms of IBS. Proper exercise also proves to be a better option in Irritable bowel Syndrome Remedies. However, besides trying the homemade Irritable bowel Syndrome Remedies, you can also go for medication if the problem creeps to a serious level.

Medicines like Antispasmodics helps in the reduction of the amount of spasms. Then Antidepressants in small amounts also comes handy in the IBS treatment. You can also go for the medicine called Align contains probiotics, which helps in treating stomach pains, cramps, diarrhea and constipation. Besides the basic IBS Treatment, there are certain preventive measures, which should be kept in mind to avoid IBS, like avoiding smoking, maintaining a healthy diet and exercise, reduction in the frequency of taking alcohol etc. Therefore, IBS is curable if proper treatment and methods are followed.