Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Candida diet to get complete rid of the infection

Candidiasis is a name of a serious yeast infection, which normally occurs in the mouth, intestine, G.I tracts, throats and even around penis, vagina etc. This infection is caused by the multiplicity of a microorganism in the stomach called “Candida Albicans”. However, the plus point of the Candida is that it improves the digestive process profoundly and if proper Candida diet is followed on a regular basis, the patient can get full relieve from this deadly infection.

A diabetic Candida diet is fundamentally inclusive of very less sugar, which means that particular sweetened edible items like cookies, cake, candies, sodas, and ice creams should be consumed in very less amount and with precautions. The same precaution should be followed while taking artificial sugar items like saccharine or aspartame or stevia extract. The quintessence is that consuming the sweetened items regularly will help the Candida albicans to proliferate and that will cause the infection to become more severe. If the patient follows a sugar-free diet for a three consecutive days, it is very possible that the infection will vanish completely in the time to come.

To ensure an ideal Candida diet, the food items enriched with starch like white pasta, cakes bread, and white rice must also be checked and instead the whole grains should be included. Otherwise, chances are very much for Candida Albicans to proliferate.

Under the ongoing candidiasis natural remedies, the inclusion of all edible vegetable oils will work effectively in curing the infection. You can also include omega-3 oils, cod liver oils like tuna, mackerel, salmon, sardine as well as flaxseed oils, borage, and primrose oils in the special diet. However, be sure to take only one tablespoon of these oils every day. Some specific types of oils as commonly found in some food items like salads, canola, avocado, nut and olive oils could also work wonders.

It would be a blunder if you take any antibiotic without the prescription of a doctor, after all, some or many of these medications can cause serious side effects including the proliferation of these microorganisms in the intestine.If you want to have a speedy recovery from the Candida infection, it is worthwhile to include yogurt in your diet, which you can take at least two to three servings every day. To be precise, there is a specific content called “acidophilus”, which is a powerful and proven ingredient for treating the infection.

All the aforesaid Candidiasis natural remedies are proven to show effective results in curing the infective disease. However, before you start following them, make sure you consult your physician firstly to get more improved results

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