Monday, 4 April 2011

Curing candidiasis

Don’t think that your body is clean place—it is, in fact, filled with bacteria. But these are generally good bacteria which work for the body and control the other bacteria and antigens that coexist with them. One such bacterium which needs to be controlled is the Candida Albicans. It is basically a type of yeast which sometimes grows out of control given the right conditions. At such point of time one requires candidiasis natural cure treatment so as to restore the balance between the good and the harmful bacteria.

The growth of candida is basically supported by the intake of steroids, pregnancy, antibiotics, birth control pills, immunity suppressing drugs and carbohydrate rich food products. This may lead to candidiasis. The situation aggravates when there is an excess of yeast in the food one eats. Once candida becomes chronic, it must be treated—it is not easy but it must be done. If candidiasis is not treated timely, it will cause all forms of disorders and will affect different parts of the body. Candida is usually found in the intestines, genitals, mouth and throat. An overgrowth maybe easily be detected with the help of certain.You are said to be suffering from irritable bowel syndrome if you experience frequent abdominal pain prior to bowel movement. symptoms.

Candidiasis natural cure consists of an overhaul of the normal diet plan in addition to using herbs for treatment. It involves eliminating yeast and dairy products from the diet and so on. The remedy is slated to last a minimum of 11-12 weeks depending on how serious the problem is. Physicians also prescribe anti fungal medications which can be ingested or applied topically. But, candida is known to resist medications, so a change in diet is your best bet.

For candidiasis natural cure, and even natural heartburn cures , a vegetarian diet is highly recommended. The diet that is undertaken should be free of gluten and zero yeast. The diet should also exclude fermented food products and beverages—wine, beer, vinegar, sugar, sauce, pickles, canned foods etc. You must also avoid tomato and other acidic foods as candida thrives in such environments. Mushrooms are fungi so they must be avoided as well. Nuts can be consumed only if they are cracked open from their shells. Chicken and other meats are ok. When it comes to beverages, alcohol and fruit juices are to be steered clear of, oranges and lemons are an absolute no-no. Food allergies can also be attributed to candidiasis.

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